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May 2024 Prophetic Word: Striving vs Surrender

Liv Arnold

Definitions for May:

STRIVE: make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.

SURRENDER: give up or hand over; to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand; to give (oneself) up into the power of another.

FACILITATE: make (an action or process) easy or easier.

CONCESSION: a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands; a thing conceded.

CONSISTENT: acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate.

ACCOUNTABILITY: required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible.



Welcome Holy Spirit, You are in the midst of us. Father, thank You that Your presence is known. May You be known in everyone's house this month. Amen.


Welcome Holy Spirit, You are the revealer of all TRUTH.


Welcome Holy Spirit, You are the COUNSELOR.


Welcome Holy Spirit, You are our friend; our advocate.


Welcome Holy Spirit into our month. We give You authority.


We give You access and authority.



● God can use other's life as a picture, but make sure that the picture you're seeing is what He wants for you.

● You have to listen to God and the Holy Spirit to tell you when to move.

● The shift in this season feels like surrender.

● It feels like laying down our will to receive His.


● Get off the wheel and lay down your will for His.

● Ecclesiastes 3

● His bill, HIS WILL.



● Striving is less faith than surrender is.

● God said allow Him to facilitate.

● The Holy Spirit is a facilitator that God facilitates.

● You can't facilitate the miracle, ONLY God can do that.

● God said, ‘Take your hand off of it and ALLOW me to facilitate.

● Hebrews 4:9

● There is a time for everything under the sun.

● The journey can't be microwaved. It can't be faked.

● Let God train your hands and your faith.

● No one can take away your journey.

● The journey IS the best part.

● Alexis's mentor always told her to lay down her will and watch what God does for her. He can do the same for you.


Ecclesiastes 3:1-8


For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to throw away; a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.


Hebrews 4

9 There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God;

10 for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his.

11 Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience.

12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.

15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.

16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.



● Know when God is telling you to rest.

● Sabbath rest is not a day. It's a state of being.

● For this month, REST.

● Rest and understand there is a time for everything. Lean into the rest.

● There is a ‘reset’ in resting. Your faith is a muscle that needs rest.

● We aren't always supposed to be at war.

● Lean into God's calendar and timing this month.

● There's a Sabbath rest for the people of God.

● When you rest, you can see and hear clearer.

● There shouldn't be a lot of ‘I’ going on. It should be God doing it.  

● Fast to come into alignment with God, not to manipulate His hand.


You can't buy God's love. It's a FREE gift.


Rest in knowing He who does good work is good and faithful to complete. We rest and wait on You, Lord.


God will remind you, in the rest.


When you aren't resting, the dream of the Lord can't come to you.



● In rest, things were being filtered.

● Things that weren't the heart of the Father were being filtered out.

● God wants to give you His heart.

● Pull out the junk that is in your heart and mind. The things that don't feed you.

● We thank the Lord for a filtering system. God is the filter.

● Learn God's voice and how He moves in your life..



The Lord told her to give her vehicle away. She went to Florida. Her counselor/mentor told her it wasn't a good idea. Although she honored her mentor, she listened to God. She went there with no job and rented a car for two weeks. She lived in a house with her mentee's family. She was given a job and went to church a few weeks later. They were told to show a seed ofv$500. After sowing her seed, she went to a dealership but didn't get a vehicle. She had a dream that she was driving a Nissan so she went to Nissan. Even with a low credit score, she was able to get a car because she worked in the field of what her Master's degree was in. They (the dealership) made a CONCESSION for her.



We are entering into a different type of month.

A month that is one of decisions,

It is a decision month.

A month that is one of detail.  

A month that is one of destiny.

For I am even detouring you from the original route that you thought you were supposed to go.  

And there shall be mile markers that will let you know that you are on the right route.

For even when doubt will try to creep in, just know that I hold your hand, facilitating you to the right place and the right land.



● The Lord said, ‘Pray over the land.’

● The land is encamped with angels.

● We thank You Lord for the access to the land; that we shall also land the right positions, communities and that we will be in the right… land.



● Partner your faith as a sign and symbol.

● If there's land that you're drawn to, drive to it and pray over it.

● Purchase the Monopoly board game (as an ode to focusing on the land).



Yesterday Alexis had a meeting that she didn't want to go to but she did. She listened to her spirit and the meeting was amazing. It made her think about the GREATER work that we're called to do.


● There's more to life so move past preconceived notions.

● Sometimes your flesh will make you think you don't want to branch out, but God is pulling you to branch out.

● Be open to new meetings (but make sure this push is also from God).

● Be open to how and what God wants to do in your life.

● The benefit to rest and surrender is letting God in.

● Surrendering removes the ‘I’ (you) and focuses on the ‘we’ (you and God).

● God wants to take you on new excursions.

● Zion is calling.

● God is connecting some old relationships for the GREATER work.

● She saw women standing and being accounted for.



Father, thank You for removing the stains of relationships and strengthening what remains. Remove the old and build up the new. Rewrite or relationship stories. We forgive the past. Thank You, Lord for the people that will seek us out.



After recently making the decision to place her father into Hospice care, she realized that she forgave her father for past situations. This experience taught her there's lessons in forgiveness.


● There are lessons in forgiveness.

● He wants our souls to PROSPER.

● There is some rekindling that will happen.

● There's a lesson in being a Kingdom person.

● Strive to be a Kingdom citizen.




This is a month to expand.

You will expand your borders (convergence).

And you will cross pollinate and cross over to new streams to execute your dream.

I give you peripheral vision so you can see what’s on the side of you.

I need you.

I need your voice.

You're going to feel a writhing anointing come upon you this month.

You will write. There will be volumes of books that you will write.  

I need you, Lord.


There's a judgment coming in your favor.

And I hear the Lord say that before the end of the month the judgment will be made in your favor.

I need you to be silent and hold your peace for there shall be a performance and there shall be a release.

Just REST.

Every accusation will be silenced.

And open doors for acquisitions (to acquire), says the Lord.

Castor oil regimen.

It will penetrate deeply in your body. CONSISTENCY…

Keep up the consistency.

The Lord, He said they are watching you and they are ready to make a deal. Wait-and-see,

Do not do the word proficiency you shall be proficient.


ALEXIS SAW: castor oil

● Do research and study on it.

● Be wise about how and what you're eating.



Africa is at the edge of revolution.

For even while there has been mass pollution.

I see corrupt lands coming out of corrupt hands,

Mischievous dealings will be unveiled;  the owners cry out for the land acres to be given back where the British have attacked.

I see a British flag.

I see a Canadian flag and I see the United States of America,

there will be the biggest transaction in history that is soon to take place.

A nation's blood hands cannot be erased, but must be confronted.

There will be a rack in Russia.




● The reparations that's coming.

● We WILL see the handing back of the land.

● Rest in knowing that reparations are coming.

● Even in the rest, there's a release.



Father, I've seen what you've done for others and I know You can do it for me because I'm Your child too. I WILL see Your goodness.


God said, ‘You will gain another piece if the puzzle this month.’



May we enter into the right door… MAY!

May You close the wrong ones… MAY!

May Divine Assistance guide us… MAY!

May the right connections be beside us… MAY!

May the Lord counter every account… MAY!

May we NOT look back but ONLY forward… MAY!

May faith and God arise and His enemies be scattered.


This isn't the time to give up. May this be the month of surrender.


You have to receive the rest. You don't have to strive to see the blessing.


Faith is a result of surrender, not Striving.


Is your faith in your actions or is your faith in God?


Living in faith means living in the power of the Holy Spirit.

● Trust the spirit to empower you.

● Surrender teaches us to rest… to give over control.

● To release what we BELIEVE is ours.


How do I surrender completely?

● Being controlling is hard, especially when you have to surrender.

● You must go to a peaceful place and surrender it to God. Learn of Him. Take His yolk and give Him yours. A GREAT exchange happens in that moment.


● Lay it down (what you thought you wanted or needed) to pick up/receive what He has for You.



Father, Tonight we prepare our hearts and set this altar for You. The ideas/goals I've planned and what I thought was supposed to happen, I give to You. Here's my heart. I lay down the things that I desire. I lay down my dreams and desires and I surrender them unto You. It's Your will and Your bill. Forgive me for trying to be You. Guide our lives. Redirect, restore and redeem us. Rescue us from this place. You hold our future in Your hands. Remove us from the trying and striving and we receive the rest for this month. Remove the toil and frustration and free us from what it looks like. Thank You for a new statue of faith that comes from your word and we thank You that Your word will never fail. Untether us from trying and striving to make things happen. Remove us from pretending. We are trading toil for triumph. Remove every negative emotion and thank You for training us. We thank you for the reroute. We receive the rest that remains. Close every door that I have to strive to open. Amen.



● There was a lasso pulling in the people of God.

● Pulling us back into His place that He has for us.

● Don't go back to what once was, what's familiar or what you think you want/need.

● Don't go back… go forward. ALWAYS FORWARD.



● Don't take things on.

● In rest, you can't make decisions.

● Check your spirit. Does it need rest?

● Stop trying to make things happen.

● In rest you have to stand down.

● If you're agitated, it's your spirit letting you know something is off. In those moments, trust your legacy with Christ and do what He tells you to do.

● Know that, ‘the fight is fixed'.

● Exhaustion is not of the Lord.


May, we rest… is the WORD of the month.

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