I heard the Lord saying, “Make sure that they understand the power of agreement – that when two or three come together in my name, a thing shall be established.”
There is an agreement not just with you on your own,
but with someone who believes like you believe.
Find someone who is seasoned in prayer,
someone who has a mantle to pray.
Pray that God connects you with the right person
Jesus is interceding for us at all times
Come into agreement with what His Word says
Watch your words
Your words are powerful.
Words do indeed create worlds.
Thoughts create things,
Acts create acquisitions.
Make sure that your words are aligned with His words.
I saw you jumping over a hurdle…
like a big hurdle in front of you.
It looked bigger than a building.
But I saw you taking a mark.
You will run and jump over the hurdle.
Get set, go.
Though this hurdle seems to be impossible, visibly impossible,
There is nothing that's impossible with God.
The Scripture says, “Say to the mountain, be ye there removed, and it will be cast into the sea.”
The Lord says,
“I will make it where it seems very small.
I will make it where it will stall.”
Prepare your running shoes in the spirit…
You're going to have a head start
so that you can jump over the hurdle.
There are some things that are going to be removed
even as we do this month.
I heard the Lord say that this would be a month of divine opportunity.
Stay clear of opportunists and coattail riders
Stay clear of double-siders or Doogie Howsers
Ones who have knowledge but lack experience to advise plans for you.
I heard the Lord say:
This month, I unlock mysteries and give you clues.
This will be a month of major adjustments.
One word that I heard this month was to unlock.
The Lord said “I will unlock you.”
Consider it as it were, a treasury, a treasure box.
And he is the one who holds the key.
God’s about to unlock you.
What's inside of that treasure box?
There are so many gifts.
There are so many things that are in expectation.
There are so many things waiting.
There's anticipation.
Do not miss this moment.
Even though you're looking at an opponent,
do not miss this moment.
Things are going to approach you this month,
and God wants you to say yes to them.
Pay attention to what's ahead of you. Pay attention to who you're talking to.
Pay attention to the little things that are happening,
because they're not just little things.
They're going to be much bigger later.
You need to pay attention and to be aware,
God’s going to use this moment to unlock you.
This moment. This thing that's right before you.
We are in a moment of time.
We are in a window of time.
There are windows of opportunity
Windows of expectation
Windows of revelation
Listen, it's one moment
Don't miss your moment
Don't miss the opportunity
You got to take the risk
Say I'm going to do it.
Even if you don't know what's going to happen
Trust him.
Take the leap.
Don’t limit God based upon your fear.
I saw a lot of people who are stagnant.
They're in a situation where they're literally held up.
And what is that stagnancy is their own fear.
It's not God.
Sometimes we move ahead of God's timing.
But I believe that now things are ready.
Things are ready. It's not underdone.
It's ready.
It's ready for you.
So take the moment.
I heard the Lord say:
September will be a month of major adjustments
Implement my projects
Implement my plans
Deals on the table
But things being mislabeled.
Choose correctly
One thing leads to purpose
the other one will lead to pain
Strengthen those things that remain
Pray against looming attacks
things behind your back
Pray that your spirit man is ready…
even if you're not physically ready.
Pray in tongues.
Strengthen your spirit man.
Rev up that engine for things that you do not know.
There's a plan being formulated.
The plan is coming.
The plan is being released as you're stirring up
As you're praying in the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Ghost has come.
You shall receive power.
There's power being released right now.
I see you changing right now
I see chains breaking off right now
The invention is being released right now
The strategy is being released right now
Your help is coming
This is what I heard
Aryanism, the shift of a nation
I think things are about to change
Things are about to shift
From a global perspective, there's going to be a great shift
We're going to see it in the next five years,
but I see it's going to be a shift concerning an Aryan ideology that is across the world
Injustice is going to reign
Believe that
But God will have the last say
Beware of false allegations.
Even allegations that come to speak against who you are,
speak against your character.
Do not partner with those things that are said about you
or said about a family member or whatever.
Just pay attention.
Don't get caught off guard,
Catch the tail.
If a lie had come in, you have to catch it.
The enemy is very slick and would come in with lies.
You got to know where the lie is and where the truth is.
The Lord told me to pray for an elongation of life.
Divine DNA from heaven.
Nothing broken, nothing missing.
There is healing concerning intellect.
I see children being healed of intellectual issues.
I see where there is someone who is trying
to put an intellectual label on your child.
But I hear the Lord saying, “Do not accept that label.
Begin to pray over your child.”
And I heard the Lord say,
I'm stretching your appetite
I am changing the way that you receive things
Even how you receive knowledge
Even how you receive revelation
I'm stretching your appetite for what's palatable
what you will begin to receive…
what you'll hear in my spirit, what you'll long for
And you'll devour my word
And you'll begin to devour these teachings
that are going to rise in you a different level
of understanding and comprehension
I'm expanding your appetite.
God is expanding your desire for that strong meat
That desire for truth
that desire for righteousness
I even see shackles falling off of you and your children concerning bad habits
things that have been that cause cycles in your life
I see them coming up off of you.
I hear the Lord saying
You'll be fulfilled by something else
There'll be fulfillment in me
Taste and see that I am good
I'm expanding your appetite.
And even things that you’re frightened of
I even hear the word stage fright
For those of you who have stage fright
I see God opening up doors for you to speak.
I hear the Lord say,
I want you to take the opportunity
Don't miss the moment
No more straight stage fight fright.
We come against stray bullets
The angels, like Psalm 91, would be around as you all are covering.
God said, “I'm going to reveal the plot before it comes.”
He's about to reveal the plot before it comes.
Pay attention to around the 15th, the 14th and 15th.
He's going to reveal the plot even concerning your nations.
Begin to pray over your nations.
Pray over your town.
God says, “I'll reveal the plot. I'll cause it to be sweet.”
God’s going to thwart every attack.
Rewind every attack.
Remove every attack.
The intercessors are rising up now.
Your business is protected.
Your finances are protected.
I'll even give you a blueprint
I'll reroute you
I'll give you new direction
I'll give you a new model
I'll give you a new plan
I'll give you new precision
concerning which way you're going to land, which way you're going to go
I will even remove you out of cycles of control.
I see God cutting off, removing spirits of control
You're going to begin to stand tall
and speak justice concerning that in your life.
There shall be no strife
You would stand up
You would speak truth to power on your job, in your business
You'll set boundaries
You will not allow that thing to rule your life
You will not
You’re not a kid anymore
You're different
You're endowed with power
You serve the greatest One
His name is Jesus
You shall not be controlled
No more cycles of control
No more cycles of manipulation
No more cycles of narcissism
No more cycles
The government shall be on your shoulders.
As it is in heaven, let it be on earth.
Pray that you'll be able to implement what He's given you to do.
Pray against disasters
No harm will come
Pray Psalm 91
War over the promises
You got to know who you are
You got to know who he's called you to be
God says, “You're fearfully and wonderfully made.”
The Holy Ghost has already gone before you
The God of the angel armies has already gone before you
He's going to turn that thing around
What seemeth dead is about to come alive
Come here, Lazarus.
He's the God of the arm angel armies.
Lord of the breakthrough.
I also hear the Lord say, “Prepare to be a history maker.
Things are about to be historical,
and you're a part of it.
You won't be left out.”
Then I heard the Lord say, “New ventures, even concerning getaways.”
For those of you with vacation ideas,
getaway ideas, and Airbnb ideas,
I activate you in the supernatural realm
and call for the destiny that God has for you in these new ventures.
The Father said, “I'm about to increase your acumen, your business acumen.”
You will see people being connected
to you and drawn to you.
Concerning real estate.
You will have a tongue of the learned.
I see grief being lifted off of some of you
You will not be shrouded in grief
You carry the greater one inside of you
And I heard the Lord say,
This was going to be a season of exponential growth.
And the growth you will see will be unprecedented.
And there will be growth in your business
and growth in your mind
and growth in your professional development
and growth in your health
and growth in your physical strength.
And I also heard the word gains.
The Lord said that you will have gains
both spiritually and mentally,
financially and even physically.
God is saying:
And you will see my hand,
and my hand will rest upon you,
and I will give you wisdom on what to say and when to say it.
And you will know how to navigate different places
For I am sending you into different spaces and places.
I will allocate funding for you
I will allocate funding and opportunities for you
I will open up doors for you
Doors that no man can shut
I'm going to give you the tongue of the learned
and the wisdom to operate in exponential growth
People will come out and ask you for tutorials
Understanding and comprehension
You will begin to lend your ear
You will be an advisor to many
They will try to categorize you,
but they will not be able to.
There’ s untapped potential about to be released in you.
So tap into that untapped potential.
There's a spirit of cooperation that's about to happen.
Those who would not cooperate in your family,
those who would not cooperate on your job,
they're about to cooperate.
They’re about to cooperate concerning God's plan
concerning God's purpose.
There's going to be cooperation in your marriage.
There's going to be cooperation in your business.
There's going to be cooperation in your church.
Because two is better than one.
God is not done concerning you
concerning the work that he wants you to do.
Come against the spirit of division
that has tried to cause derision and deception.
With cooperation, you can build a nation.
There's going to be a visitation that's happening for you.
And the Lord said, change your format
You're frustrated
You need to change your format
Change the way you're doing things
I heard the Lord say,
I'm about to release a system for you
Because what you've been doing has been old school
But I'm about to upgrade you even now
I will send you the resources
I will send you the people to compliment.
The Lord said,
I'm about to release wisdom to a person…
to release it to others so that you can be the visionary
that he's called you to be.
it's time to take a risk
It's time for you to jump out.
There's a world waiting on you
There are people waiting for you to show up
And until you do, you'll be frustrated
You gotta take the risk
Show up.
And God said, “You shall amplify your voice.”
He said,
“I'm removing some of these prophets.
I'm removing some of these people.
I'm removing some of these ministers who have not been operating in me.”
The Lord said,
“These are prophets who have not been discipled.
These are people who have not had their ears circumcised,
who have not been commissioned,
who have a form of godliness but deny my power,
who are under an old covenant paradigm,
who have not received the full love of Christ,
nor the message of salvation,
nor understanding mercy or the cross.”
Where are the ministers of mercy?
Who will rightly divide the truth?
Enough is enough
I'm moving people out of the limelight
I'm putting other people in their place
God said, “I will not have my church to be stained.
I'm about to rearrange some things.
It's going to be like chess, not checkers.”
There's some new order
a new regime coming in place.
Ministers of mercy are rising.
Ministers who will not compromise…
who will not devise wicked plans…
who will not speak wickedness.
It's going to be a season of mercy.
God says,
“You're gonna see how my mercies endure it forever.
Do not pay attention to the talebearer.
Do not pay attention to those who speweth and speak lies,
for they have compromised.
My eyes are on the sparrow and my eyes are on you.”
It's time for you to amplify your voice
It's time for you to amplify
It's time for you to speak out
It's time for you to come out of doubt.
Come out of fear, come out of anxiety
Come out of frustration
Come into the place
the full space for the people are waiting.
And I heard the spirit of the Lord say,
“Prepare for unexpected showers
Showers of my spirit
Showers of the supernatural
For these showers will sustain you and showers will shift you.
The showers will supply for you.
And I also heard the Lord say
For surely I will downpour my spirit upon you
There will be a downpour in the spirit realm
Things you weren't able to do last month,
you'll do it this month.
People you weren't able to speak to last month,
you'll speak to this month.
Pray about the weather.
Pray that God would thwart internationally all catastrophes.
Earthquakes, hurricanes and planes,
anything with floods.
Drought, fire, flames, anything.
Bible verses:
Psalm 112-
Blessed are those who fear the Lord,
who find great delight in his commands.
Their children will be mighty in the land.
The generation of the upright will be blessed.
Wealth and riches are in the houses
and their righteousness endures forever.
Even in darkness the lights dawn dawns for the upright,
for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous.
Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely,
who conduct their affairs with justice.
Surely the righteous will never be shaken.
They will be remembered forever.
They will have no fear of bad news.
Their hearts are steadfast.
Trusting in the Lord.
Their hearts will are secure.
They will have no fear in the end.
They will look in trump triumph on their foes.
They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor.
Their righteousness endures forever.
Their horns will be lifted high in honor.
The wicked will see and be vexed.
They will gas their teeth and waste away.
The longings of the wicked will come to nothing.
Colossians 3 -
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.