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January 2025 Prophetic Words

Dr. Alexis

December 2024 Prophetic Words



  1. To develop gradually: To undergo slow and continuous change, typically

    becoming more complex, sophisticated, or improved over time.

  2. To adapt or change: To modify or adjust in response to changing circumstances.

Scientific Definition:

In biology:

To undergo evolution: To develop new traits or forms over generations

through the process of natural selection, adaptation, and genetic variation.

Other Contexts:

  1. In personal growth: Refers to the process of becoming a better or more complete version of oneself.

  2. In creative work: Refers to the process of an idea or project changing and

    improving through refinement and iteration.


● Derived from the Latin "evolvere," meaning "to unroll" or "to unfold,"

combining "e-" (out) and "volvere" (to roll).


Welcome to your new year!

He crowns the year with glory; He crowns the year with glory.

Worship will take you out of things, break you out of things you hadn’t even

thought possible. Worship will be our number one weapon against retaliation, against

whatever is trying to come. You’ve got to stay right there in a place of worship

because the enemy’s tactics are really aimed at messing with your mind.

Worship is our weapon for 2025. No matter what comes, worship is our



The Lord told me, 'I’m about to put My ark of intercession back in My people.' You

know—you know that pulling! Remember the zeal you had when you first believed?

That pulling where you woke up at 3:00 in the morning and were drawn into

intercession? There’s a hunger for intercession being released now—it’s being released!

I heard the Lord say, (Strong Concordance 2025) is Greek epichrio (ἐπίχρίω). It

means to anoint or to smear on. To anoint or to smear on.

In Hebrew, the word is Harel (אלֵ הרַ( , which means the Mountain of God.


The first two words I heard the Lord say were these:

He said, 'I’m about to anoint (ἐπίχρίω) and smear on you. I will anoint you, so no

matter what occurs this year, My anointing shall be upon you.'

Secondly, Harel (אלֵ הרַ—( the Mountain of God. He said, 'We shall scale the

Mountain of God this year.'


A phrase I heard the Lord say was, "The word of the Lord came to me."

God said, "My word is about to come to you."

When we look at this and break it down in the Hebrew, the word debar (ברָ) means

more than just spoken words. It encompasses action, purpose, and power.

In Jewish thought, God’s word is alive and active, capable of creating, sustaining, and

transforming. Isaiah 55:11 teaches us that when God speaks, His word carries His

authority and guarantees fulfillment.

“The word of the Lord is about to come to you,” just as we read in Jeremiah, where it

says, "The word of the Lord came to me," or in Zechariah, "The word of the Lord came

to me." The word of the Lord is about to come to you.

Secondarily, consider the phrase "of the Lord."

This reminds us that the source of the word is divine—it is God. It’s not human

imagination or reasoning. You can’t reason with faith! The holy, covenant-keeping

God—Yahweh (הוהָ ְי—) is speaking His word. His word is perfect, eternal, and rooted in

His unchanging nature.


Thirdly, "came"—the Hebrew word here is bo (א), which means to come or to

enter. It signifies movement, purpose, and intent. When the word of the Lord came, it

didn’t simply show up—it entered the prophet’s life with power and authority,

descending into human circumstances to accomplish a divine task.

This speaks of the relational and transformational nature of God’s word. It’s

active, purposeful, and life-changing.

Lastly, "to me"—the personal nature of this phrase is profound.

When God’s word came to me, it signifies a direct and personal encounter between the

Divine and the prophet. This is not a general message; it’s one specifically tailored to the

individual, showing that God knows us intimately and speaks directly to our



In Genesis 15:1, it says, 'After these things, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a

vision, saying, "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great


We also see this in Jeremiah 1:4-5: 'Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying,

"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you. I

ordained you a prophet to the nations."

The word of the Lord entered Jeremiah’s life, confirmed his identity and purpose, and

demonstrated that God’s plans are deeply purposeful and personal. For Jeremiah, it

wasn’t just a word for him—it changed an entire generation.

In Genesis, God’s word entered Abram’s life to address his fears and reaffirm His

covenant. Come on, God is about to reaffirm His covenant to some of you. It shows how

the word enters to bring peace and purpose—it’s about to enter in!

In Ezekiel 3:10-11, it says: 'Moreover, He said to me, "Son of man, receive into your

heart all My words that I speak to you, and hear with your ears. Go, get to the captives,

to the children of your people, and speak to them."'

The word of the Lord didn’t just come to Ezekiel—it entered his heart and became a

part of him before he was sent to deliver it. This shows the transformational nature

of God’s word: it must first work within us before it works through us.

One of the first phrases I heard for the year was “Enter in.” I also saw a vision: I saw

the people of God bowing, almost like monks. I saw fish being pulled out of the

water, linked together, and God said to me, 'Monks are very disciplined. Not only are

they disciplined, but they know how to move in silence. For this year, silence will be a

strategy. Discipline will be a strategy.'

I saw the monks yielding, representing the people of God. The Lord said, 'I will shine

upon you even in your yielding and bowing.' Like the 24 elders who cast their

crowns and bowed before the throne, this year, we will bow, yield, release, surrender,

and be disciplined in prayer, casting everything before the Lord.

The Lord said, 'Silence will be a strategy.' In 2025, there will be a collaborative

and communal nature like never before. No longer walking alone. The Lord said,

'There is power in My presence and in community.'

We must pray for the vessels at sea, as battles unfold in the seas. The Lord said, 'You

have to fight differently. First, get the strategy to fight, for there is a strategy in silence.'

2025 will be a year of battle. I saw people rising against systems and unsung

heroes stepping forward. I heard, 'Strap up your boots and prepare to

march, for March. Things will get fast-paced, so fasten your seatbelt and buckle up.'


Pray for the advisers in nations like NATO, for there will be nations rising

against nations, and we should expect backlash.

This is the year of systems. For those experiencing burnout, the Lord said:

'I will refresh, remind, redeem, and reload.' Let me say that again: 'I will refresh,

remind, redeem, and reload you.' There is a time to grieve and a time to heal, but step up

to what is now. I prophesy new authors and healing. I prophesy healing to: Diverticulitis,

Tongue-tied conditions, Issues with the feet, including plantar fasciitis, Migraines and

headaches, Skeletal issues, Cancer, Skin conditions, and Respiratory issues.

I prophesy healing across the body and a unified work in medical advancements

globally. I saw wars in the skies, an increased hunger for worship and deeper

supernatural understanding, and people stepping into a place of revelation.

There will be a financial increase in February, March, April, and May. Essential

businesses, especially in response to the bird flu and food supply, will become critical,

with many stepping into these areas with accelerated growth. The Kingdom will learn to

fight amidst AI and robotics.

I saw a break between Trump and Elon Musk, secrets being released, and a war

against the rich marked by accusations. Wealth disparity will ignite uprisings,

shifting the dynamic between the rich and the poor.

On Canadian soil, I saw troops opposing each other, with illicit wars rising. We must

pray against these conflicts, especially near borders.

We are entering a new era, with both good and bad. Opportunities will abound for

Kingdom writers in fiction and movies. Creativity will rise—prepare and discern the

times, as the natural mirrors the spiritual. I saw angels captured on TV as the

supernatural realm opened into the natural.

I pray for healing—arthritis, mental health, and new treatments—and I saw a war

brewing over big pharma. Watch your thoughts, words, and contributions. The Lord is

aligning His people for this pivotal time.

Chicago, Chicago, Chicago!

Reinforcements are coming, and a strong shift is on the horizon. Mayor

Brandon Johnson carries a strong anointing as a David, and he will rise to turn

Chicago from upside down to right side up. The prophecy over Chicago will come

to pass.

The city has been saturated with worship. The prayers and intercession of those in

the 1800s and 1900s will speak to what God wants to do there.

I saw a map of the Midwest—the South and North fighting for its cities. God

showed the Midwest becoming politically targeted and its cities highlighted as the

center of attention. We cover the Midwest against every attack, in Jesus’ mighty


I heard the words Currency, Visitation, Kings, and Transformation.

The Lord said, 'Currency.' There will be a shift in currency—even nickels, dimes,

and quarters will matter. Changes in currency and foreign exchange are

coming. For those overseas, invest in foreign entities—this is your time. I heard

the word Palace and saw Bosnia and Kosovo becoming centers of attention again.

I saw Atlanta, Georgia, covered by a canopy of stars. Even amid turmoil, there will be

reconciliation. Houses will be turned over, and the Lord said, 'I am about to visit

Atlanta.' Watch for a turnover—not just in the natural, but in the spiritual.

There will be a turnover across borders and nations and concerning the FBI, CIA,

police, and the prison system. A turnover is coming—things will be turned over in the

name of Jesus.

This year, there will be a great transformation. Even in the upheaval and the uprising,

transformation will come. There will be a greater exposure of evil and

wickedness, but the Lord says, 'Do not compromise or apologize, because My

promise still stands!'


It’s good to have some good friends who will worship the Lord with you and tell you

about yourself. Sometimes people don’t want to go through the process, but you’ve got

to go through the process—refining friendships.

Allow your friendships to process you. Allow them to process you. Know when to

apologize. Know when to say you were wrong.

This is for us: God doesn’t just want us doing good things for Him. He wants to deal

with our attitudes. He wants to help us get to a place where we’re not offended by

everything. He’s calling us out of offense and into something greater, because

there’s greater work for us to do.

Friends can: Cover you. Console you. Convert you. Help to create things in you. Counsel



The Lord said, 'I will cover you and keep you in perfect peace!' Cover the minds

of our men—our kings who carry kingdoms within them. The enemy seeks to sift

them, but we are covering the minds of our brothers, cousins, men of God, and

pastors in the name of Jesus.

We are covering: The kingdoms they carry. Their businesses. Their minds.

2025 will be a year of transformation for our kings. They will reflect our King,

and though the world is against them, we must pray for their strength in the Lord.

2025 will also be a year of visitation. Laws will favor us, particularly in

financial matters. Business loans, SBA loans, and predatory financial systems will be

overturned. Bankruptcy cases will be resolved, and credit will undergo an overhaul.

The Lord says, 'Cut the fat, trim the fat.' Unnecessary excess will be removed.

Concerning artificial intelligence, many will be trained in it. For those in the

Kingdom, I prophesy that you will learn it, teach it, and share it.

The Lord says, 'I’m about to reignite you. I’m giving you grace to step into this

place. 'I’m about to shift your atmosphere this year. You will walk in alignment

with your assignment. I will refresh, revisit, and resurge you. I’m going to help you

get to the place called “there.”' Yes, you’ve faced warfare, mind battles, and

extreme fatigue, but the Lord says, 'You’re about to step into a new league.'

For those afraid to step into the office, the Lord says, 'You’re about to step into a

prophetic office. You will study to show yourself approved, and I will speak to

you in unexpected places—at the store, in line, at school. I will speak to you and

through you. Anything not for My glory will be burned away. You are for My glory,

and I need to use you.'

Let everything that is not right fall off of you. Some of you are waiting for the Lord to

make you right, but He says, 'As you walk, you will be healed. As you go, you will be

healed. As you speak, you will be healed.'

The Bible says, 'As they went, they were healed.'

God says, 'I’m going to reveal My glory in you. I will break chains, remove

what you thought couldn’t be removed, and take addiction out of your

mouth. You are Mine, and I have need of you.'

The Lord says, 'There is more I require of you. Will your heart and soul say yes? Will you

yield to Me?' Give Me your worship. Agree with Me and say, 'Yes, Lord. I yield to



Regarding artificial intelligence, the Lord says Kingdom people will be trained in it.

We pray against malice and declare protection over our children.

I saw a baby boom, a surge in children, love, and blessings, with tangible love

being released across the land. The Lord says, 'Even in times of tragedy, My

love will be released.'

The Lord says, 'I’m igniting Christian media, fiction, and movies. Writers will

rise with excellence. This is a catalyst year. The spoils of war are coming into

your hands. Prepare to receive them. I saw rations distributed—a time of provision

where little will sustain many. The Lord says, 'I will sustain you.'

Around Resurrection Sunday, I sensed a stirring, an uprising, and a shift in

the spiritual, political, and natural realms. The Lord says, 'Stay vigilant, walk in

faith, and know that your labor has not been in vain. The spoils are on the way.'


I prophesy new acumen in technology and healthcare. The Lord says,

'Problem-solvers will arise. You will solve complex problems, leap financially,

and reap a harvest from seeds sown in the past.

This is your year to reap! The Lord says, '2025 will be the year to yield. You will

yield to My word, My will, and your assignment. My glory will rise upon you, and

My goodness and mercy will follow you.'

'I am increasing corporate visibility and positioning you for growth and


We yield to Your will, Lord, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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