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Liv Arnold

December 2023 Prophetic Word: The Supernatural Realm


HIGHLIGHT: (n) an outstanding part of an event or period of time; (v) pick out and emphasize.

VITALITY: (n) energy; the state of being strong and active; the power giving continuance of life, present in all living things.

UNMISTAKABLE: (a) not able to be mistaken for anything else; very distinctive.


PRAYER: Father, we thank You for Your glory that is in the broadcast. We thank You for the glory that is permeating every person tonight. We want to bless, honor and adore You to welcome You in our new month. We thank You because our life belongs to You. In this last month of the year, we are expecting You to move and show out. We thank You that You're dwelling amongst us and that we shall feel Your wonders and experience Your glory. We bless Your Name tonight. Increase our prayer language. Amen.



● Begin to set yourself into a place of worship this month.

● Speaking in tongues charges you and shifts things. It is the perfect prayer and will of God. It releases strategy and wisdom. There's a great exchange released with it; divine shifts and manifestations happen.

● Your worship is your deposit of currency in the heavenly realm.

● There is a SUPERNATURAL shift taking place this month.

● The creativity that has been lying dormant is springing back to life THIS month.


● Prepare for the Angel of the Lord to visit you this month.

● As we go into the new year, you will see the supernatural in operation more than you've ever seen in your life. There's an anticipation. There will be an increase in revelation. There will be an increase in angelic activity. You're walking into a new realm that will take you into the next 10 years of your life. You will see it and you will be it. God is taking you to the school of the Spirit. Your spirit has been dry, but God is coming to RESTORE, REPAIR and REDEEM.


PRAYER: Lord, highlight your daughters and your sons. God, put their name in bold. Let the work that they've been doing be noticed. Amen.



● Start proclaiming yourself as a bride/wife.

● It's time to see yourself as God sees you.

Proclaim: I AM A BRIDE.

● You have to start acting differently; as though you're ALREADY a wife.

● Write out what your wedding will look like (bring it to life).

● Start taking PROPHETIC ACTION towards a life as a wife.

● This is the time of 'yes' and 'Amen'.

Decree: It shall come to pass.



This month will be governed by My spirit, it must be -for things will happen that don’t make sense now but will make sense later.


Know that I am in full control.


Brace yourself -for what you hear, see and feel.


Brace yourself on My wheel.


Brace yourself for those who come to steal, kill and destroy.


Brace yourself and deploy My angels.


As the government shifts, and those are sifted out,

There are runner ups who will enter the race with no clout.

But my agenda, Secret agents (I will usher in) will me as their Lord, no politics and no tricks.

You will see my hand issue edicts and they will be established in this earth realm.


Uproar and downpour.


Weather and voices.


Pray against blasphemy and watch those who blaspheme my spirit.


Incurable diseases become curable- you will see miracles in medicine. Quickly, those who feel called to this contend for medical research miracles. For doctors and clinics and researchers, and funding the answers are coming.



● Those that lobby for medicine.

● God said it's NEVER too late to enter this arena.

● You will pass your tests with flying colors.

● If you want to increase your intelligence, pray in tongues.

● God's spirit will give you the answer to cancer.

● God is pulling you in and you shall be HIGHLIGHTEDby my blood because you are a blood bought believer.



Pray about the children and their health care and against widespread world wide sickness

Application of vicks, herbs, and abubon?  

Pray against allergic reactions.


Also call forth justice on behalf of our children in the schools.

Pray for adequate childcare.  


● Pray for justice for our kids in the school system getting punished for things that their counterparts wouldn't have been punished for.

● God said, 'Justice is coming to your children'.

● God said, 'Do not let them put your children in any kind of in-school suspension or alternative schools'.


Call for a STALL of every weapon of mass destruction.

Call for a STALL!



Mortgage and payout.

Funding in the back, knock-seek-ask.

I hear the word assistance -financial and governmental and also instrumental.


● There's a strong leniency pertaining to your mortgage.

● Find out what programs there may be for relief.

● Funding: ask, seek and knock.

● Divine assistance that will be INSTRUMENTAL for you.

● Pray for housing costs to drop.

● In rent and leasing the laws will shift.


I send your assistants to help and not hinder.

Those who have been assigned who have a worship and prayer life.


The coast is clear- I hear the phrase the coast is clear.


The costs are dropping.


Pray for housing costs to drop- new laws will be implemented. I see costs rolling back hundreds of dollars, states, countries and counties being fined for having too high rent.


Cover the gates.

Cover the states.

Cover the sheep.

And the land.

Cover the highways, bridges and streets.

Cover the places where people meet and people eat.


The system is bankrupt (concerning banks).

Pray against bankruptcy.

Arch your faith in Me.


Golden Gate Bridge.


Isolated islands.


Cover the meat.


Pray for tenants who need rescue.


● Cover and defend against massive outages.




You shall see My evidence.

My hand will go before you.

And there shall be victory for My people.


This month I will lay out the map and the blueprint.


Tent Revivals


Outbreak surrounding lent.


Apples and Anchovies-?


Satellites and TVs




My signature

My approval

My setup

My removal


Of those who are in high places


My setup is just like pool games are set up.


The war is coming inland,

And people will try to buy time,

But the war is coming inland,

All because of a dime.


Iran- has a plan.

That will must be thwarted in prayer.


Pray against ambush.


PRAYER: We pray that every attack will be thwarted. We decree peace be still. We pray against an ambush. We pray down every attack. Amen.


I am going to introduce you to a new audience.

It will not look where you came from

And It will be an international one.

You will spend years overseas.

Your children will know the globe.


● I'm giving you the keys and your children will know global ministry.


A grace to do what you could not do.

A grace to complete.

A grace is upon you.


Cancel a sedentary lifestyle.


An alternate route, I will provide.


Provision and promise.


Your portion

Make Ground Rules (set boundaries)


Pick one




I am the answer



Pray for ages- older ages in their 70’s

REVIVAL of the ages in. bodies, in love, in health, in God.


● You shall receive the inheritance of long life and vitality.

● You WILL walk in abundance.

● May every area of your body have vitality.



This is a month of REALMS

The supernatural is open – actually the next year we will see it strongly

An appointment, an invitation; accept the invitation for the visitation and the revelation.


ALEXIS EXPERIENCED a supernatural experience:

● 3 weeks ago l, she and her husband prayed to see an angel.

● The next day she told her group something supernatural would happen that week (she felt strongly in her spirit).

● The Lord said there would be a meeting/invitation that would happen (and to set up a meeting this week).

● It would be like domino doors (doors constantly opening) opening.

● She received a call from a Seattle, Washington number (she'd heard Tacoma, Washington from God) that turned out to be Prophetess Robin (Alexis missed the initial call but then called her back); the lady stated that she was calling the number back that had called her. They'd never exchanged numbers (or met) and she'd never been to Washington.

● The lady did not know anything about Alexis.

● God ALREADY knew the connection she needed (years ago).

● God is the door to your connection.

● The women told Alexis that they (her) were praying and calling for a Prophet to come.

● Any connection you need, the Lord has ALREADY made for you.


The door to more

The doors to more

The dooooooorrrrrrrsssss are opening


Cast your net on the other side –


● December and next year, we pray that the angelic activity will be heightened.

● You shall see it and experience it.



For the unmarried,

And for business owners, cast your net on the other side.


Call forth the inventors

Apply pressure


Beyond measure


Soul -intertwining unhooked.


● Your soul will be unhooked to those that aren't meant to be in your life.


A balanced theology


When supernatural occurrences happen, check the time because the time can mean something.


● Situations will be uncapped and untapped.

● God will HIGHLIGHT you.

● We thank You, Lord, for the heavenly possibilities.

● Pray in tongues.

● It's powerful and the perfect prayer.

● It releases the supernatural.

● What's your prayer language?

● If you're hearing something in your head, PRAY WHAT'S IN YOUR HEAD.

● John Bevere (watch to see how to speak in tongues):

● God is after the heart change. Ask God to remove the stony heart so you can receive the heart of flesh.

● We decree that sleeplessness (insomnia) is removed.

● We decree that cataracts will be removed; heart conditions and diseases will be no more.


PRAYER: We dispatch our angels this week and may they excel in strength. Put Your angels to work. Amen.


● There shall be healing and greater works you WILL do.


● When you feel angelic activity, you'll feel a fire in your belly or somewhere on your body. That's an importation that's taking place. When you feel it, start praying.

● It's a birth taking place and you have to yield to it.

● Let the fire be upon you now.

● There's a harvest that is happening.


IN THE NAME OF JESUS, let there be healing of seizures.


PRAYER: Father, we thank You for this month of December; for growing us. We thank You for knowing us, teaching us and training us. For uprooting us from everything that is not like You. Lord, we thank You that Yo go before us every day. Every day, cover it with Your blood and glory. Cover us from every attack. Let us be hearers and doers of Your word. We receive the supernatural encounters that You have waiting for us. We repent for not believing. We believe. We repent for not believing. May there be a boom in our business and a boom in our assignment. Align us with who we're supposed to be aligned with. In Jesus Name, Amen.


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Dec 04, 2023

So grateful that I can read the prophecy when I miss the broadcast. I'm very encouraged by what I've read.


Tenita Ramey
Tenita Ramey
Dec 03, 2023

Thank you for this release. It is a right on time word from the Lord for me. I look for God to speak to me and just your mention of the city where I attend church near Chicago spoke to me more than probably most of the people listening. Now to seek Him for revelation. God bless you Dr. Alexis. Side note: your prayer for the singles has changed my life. ❤️💍🦅🦋

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